Making motherhood your greatest reason WHY...

to take the leap in starting your own virtual assistant business.

Launch your virtual assistant business using the skill set and experience you already have, book dream clients who LOVE to pay you, and learn how to scale to $5K months in flexible, part-time hours so you don't have to sacrifice time away from your kids or the stress of being on one income as a stay-at-home mom.

This is EXACTLY what I want.

From Mom to VA: Learn how to scale to 5K months in flexible, part-time hours!

Being a mom doesn't have to come at a cost.

Are you a devoted mom who LOVES her kids and motherhood more than anything but also dreams of contributing consistent CASH to your family's bottom line every single month while still having quality, present time with your kids?

Does starting a business from scratch sound overwhelming? (EVEN though you have some pretty awesome professional skills and experience)

Are you looking high and low for the elusive perfect balance between work, family, and your own personal growth?

Mom to VA was made exclusively for moms like you who want to turn their professional skills and passion for motherhood into a booming business. It's designed to cater specifically to your unique needs as a mom so you can run your own profitable virtual assistant business without compromising time with your kids. (unless want to you use some of your VA income to hire a babysitter for some much needed ALONE time!)

The life you dream of is one click away.

Yes! Yes! Yes!

From Mom to VA: Learn how to scale to 5K months in flexible, part-time hours!

This is what's possible for you....

"I never even knew being a virtual assistant was possible until I saw Bre talking about it. I made the leap to Mom to VA and in one month had booked 4 dream clients and earned more as a VA than being at the top of my direct sales company for years!"

- Laura R.

"In 7 weeks, I booked 3 dream clients and was able to put in notice at my full-time teaching job. I now work less than 4 hours a day and am home with my 3 young kids. I had to drop my first two kids off at daycare and my third baby will never know anything other than me being alongside her."

- Melissa F.

"I don't know if I will ever be able to adequately express what this has done for me and my family. For the first time in a long time, I wake up with a spark in my step and a vision for myself as a person, not just a mom or wife. Thank you for helping me see my skills are still useful!"

- Bobbie S.

Let me guess...

You're a dedicated mom with dreams far beyond the boundaries of your cozy home.

You find yourself wondering how to make a meaningful and substantial financial contribution to your family's finances.

You've had some impressive work experience, and your mind (even in the midst of motherhood) is full of ideas and untapped potential.

But the thought of starting a business from scratch has you feeling overwhelmed, and the weight of balancing multiple roles feels like a puzzle as a busy mom.

You value every second of fam time, but the financial stress creeps in. The desire for personal growth and professional achievement is real, but you wonder how it's possible to do it all...

It's time to transform that into action!

Mom to VA understands your needs and aspirations AS A MOM. I'm here to guide you to that delicious balance between your role as a dedicated mom AND as a profitable virtual assistant. You CAN have both!

Let's Do This!

From Mom to VA: Learn how to scale to 5K months in flexible, part-time hours!

What Mom to VA Students are Saying...

Picture this...

Imagine waking up each morning, filled with excitement for the day ahead. Your children's laughter fills your house as you start your day at your own pace. No rush, no commute, no office politics. Your home is your workspace, and your schedule is your own.

You're in control

No more trading time away from your kids for a paycheck. You are now the master of your own hours and the captain of your own ship. You're not just working; you're thriving.

You stand out

Your inbox fills with responses from potential clients who are excited to work with you. The feeling of accomplishment washes over you as you secure one client after another.

Your bank account grows

Your family vacations become more adventurous, your home improvements more frequent, and your personal growth is unstoppable. You're no longer limited by finances, but instead led by your own ambitions.


You're a fully booked, profitable virtual assistant, and your children are watching you thrive in both roles.

What's possible for you when you go through Mom to VA? Everything.

I'm Claiming This!

Meet Bre.

I am SO excited to get to know you! I'm a mom of 3 young girls out of MN and a lover of books, bubble baths, and horses.

After being a stay-at-home mom for nearly 6 years, I thought I had to go back to an office job to help my family financially. Then I found the virtual assistant industry...

In 30 days, I'd booked 4 clients and earned more in flexible, part-time hours than I did in my pre-baby corporate career. I felt like I'd found gold, and I vowed to share the wealth.

I'm obsessed with the virtual assistant industry because it allows moms to be moms again ... without sacrificing time with their kids or stressing about finances. Use your existing skill set, work part-time flexible hours from home, and get PAID! If you want that, you're in the right spot :)

Why Mom to VA?

With Mom to VA, you're not just stepping into the virtual assistant world – you're launching your dream business. In just three months, you'll master the art of becoming a fully booked virtual assistant, learning how to consistently earn $5K+ every single month.

Here's how we do it:


High-Touch Coaching

  • Weekly Live Group Coaching Calls: You're not alone on this journey. Get answers, guidance, and inspiration during our live group coaching calls.

($5,997 Value)


Step-by-Step Training Program

  • Lifetime Access to the Mom to VA Method: Our comprehensive curriculum includes step-by-step video trainings and workbooks, giving you the tools to launch, book out, and successfully run your virtual assistant business.

($3,997 Value)


Private Job Board

  • Up to 10 Active, Hot Virtual Assistant Jobs Every Single Day: Our job board is filled with pre-screened, legitimate opportunities that match your worth, keeping your schedule packed and your income flowing.

($3,997 Value)


Templates, Scripts & Swipe Files

  • No Guesswork: We provide exact scripts on how to launch and book out your business.
  • Plug 'n Play Templates & Swipe Files: Everything from your portfolio to your client contracts, all at your fingertips.

($2,997 Value)


Lifetime Access to the Private Community

  • 24/7 Access to a Supportive Network: Join a community of moms who've walked the same path and understand the challenges you face. Get answers, support, and inspiration at any hour so you never feel alone on your journey.
  • Exclusive Insights: Connect with experienced virtual assistants who can share their tips, strategies, and success stories. Learn from those who've already booked out their businesses, kickstarting your own path to success.
  • Collaboration Opportunities: Discover potential partnerships, collaborations, and new job opportunities within the community. Your next client or fellow mompreneur bestie is just one conversation away.
  • A Safe Space: Our private community provides a judgment-free zone where you can freely share your ideas, challenges, and happy-dance-party-worthy wins. Feel supported, valued, and part of a community that understands exactly where you're at!

($9,997 Value)


Lifetime Placement on Our VA Agency Roster, Coach's Profit Powerhouse

  • Get Paired: We do the legwork to perfectly match you with 6 and 7-figure coaches looking for optimized business support. No need to stress about where your next client is coming from!
  • An Abundance of Support: As part of the family, we have your back... for life. Long past your time in the official Mom to VA program, stay plugged in, earning and supported as a profitable virtual assistant.

($5,997 Value)

Nearly $30,000 in Value for $2K

It's not just a program; it's an investment in your future. Mom to VA has a value of nearly $30,000. With a lifetime return on investment estimated at $1.2 million in revenue, it's an opportunity to live out your dreams and rewrite your future.

This has peeled back and uncovered this fire in me. I can't quite put it into words... calm confidence. In my social selling business, so much is dependent on other people. I love it still, but this. This has uncovered my gifts. It's ignited this calm confidence in my gifts and how I can serve others in a different way. I just feel complete. And honestly, you're so good at what you do. You're so talented. Literally every step is laid out. It's beautiful.

— Ellen S.

Why Bre as your mentor?

I've scaled my virtual assistant business to multi-5-figure cash months using the very same methodology and strategies I teach you inside Mom to VA. I work part-time hours alongside my 3 young girls and have more fun, freedom, flexibility, and income than I ever did in the corporate world.

As a mom of 3, I GET IT. I get what it's like to be a busy mom; to do the countless drop-off and pick-ups for a million activities; to prep and plan and make dinners in the midst of a long to-do list; to run a BIG business with kids on your lap.

I'm here to help you focus on the things that actually move your business, vision, goals, and fulfillment forward. To say YES to what matters and NO to what doesn't.

What Mom to VA Students are Saying...

From no biz to consistent 5K/mo in 8 weeks!

Cash overflow, for the first time EVER.

Booked her dream client in two weeks with a brand new VA business!

And... if you want to fast track your 5K months, upgrade to our exclusive VIP track where you have a 1:1 coach alongside you every step of the way!

  • 3 days/week of 1:1 messaging support with your very own accountability coach so you can ask any & all Qs and get personalized, hands-on support and strategy
  • 3 1:1 coaching calls where you and your coach hop on Zoom together and map out strategy and action steps based on your unique goals and dreams

Save $2,000 off your 1:1 VIP Upgrade in the next 60 minutes...


Maybe you've spent countless nights wondering, "Can I really do this?"

This is what's possible when you dive into Mom to VA:

Let's fast forward a few months from now. You're not just a mom; you're a fully booked virtual assistant. The early morning rush, the office politics, the endless commutes - they're a thing of the past.

You control your time. Your workspace is wherever you choose it to be, whether it's at the kitchen table while your kids play, in a cozy coffee shop, or even on the beach while your kids frolic on the sandy shores. Your clients aren't demanding bosses; they're your long-term partners.

Let's Talk About It...

I get it; doubts and hesitations are a natural part of making a decision like this.

I've been there, and these thoughts have all ran through my head, too. I invested in mentorship and coaching FAR before I had a profitable business of my own and I've experienced the transformation of having support, strategy and community that helped me turn my dreams into my reality.

I know there is SO much information online, and what you really want is to invest in something you're confident will work for YOU and your lifestyle as a busy mom.

"Can I really do this?"

Absolutely. The Mom to VA program is designed for moms like you. It provides 1:1 support, group coaching, and a step-by-step curriculum. You've got everything you need to succeed, and we're here to guide you every step of the way.

"What if I can't afford it?"

Think of it as an investment, not an expense. With flexible pricing options, you can cash flow the program from your own profits. The ROI is limitless; this is your pathway to financial stability and personal growth.

"I don't have time."

We understand the juggling act of motherhood. That's why the program is flexible. You can learn and grow at your own pace. This is about achieving work-life balance, not sacrificing it.

"Is this just another online program?"

Mom to VA is more than a program; it's a community, a support system, and a journey. It's a chance to redefine what's possible for moms just like you.

Imagine a future...

.... where you wake up each day filled with excitement, your kids' giggles in the background, and your workspace perfectly set up to your preferences. The stress of the daily grind is replaced by the joy of running your own successful business.

I see you, your potential, and your dreams. It's time for you to see them too.

Your future begins now.

Today, you stand at the crossroads of possibility and transformation.

The path to your dreams is right here, right now.

Imagine a life where your home is your workspace, your schedule is your own, and you're fully booked and profitable as a virtual assistant.

Your newfound confidence sets you apart, and financial freedom lets you invest in your family's dreams.

You're there for every precious moment, building your days around your family. The balance you've longed for is now a reality, and your kids watch you thrive as both a dedicated mom and a successful virtual assistant.

It's not just a dream; it's your potential, and it's time to make it a reality with Mom to VA.


Your success is not just a goal; it's our commitment.

At Mom to VA, we're not just committed to your journey; we're guaranteeing your success.

When you say YES to your future, it comes with a 5K Guarantee – a promise that, if you actively engage in our program, we'll stand by you until you hit that cumulative 5K mark.